Monday, April 03, 2006

What's your Lucky Underwear Color?

Your Lucky Underwear Is Red

You're confident and bold, and your lucky red underwear will only make you more sure of yourself.
You have a great zest for life, and you tend to take on impossible goals - and succeed.

When it comes to love, it's hard for you to take the time to open up. You're too busy conquering the world.
So if you're looking for a little more romance, put on your red underpants. And see where their passion takes you!


Caro said...

All my underwear is unlucky. It has to stretch over my big butt.

Bec said...

what a coincidence - I came up red too!

Don't you love those little quizzes? And this one is the best excuse I've found for lingerie shopping since I threw out my nursing bras...

Bec said...

oh my! I've just realised why none of my earlier comments appeared! i'M AN IDIOT!

please - use all the comments you want, but feel free to just pick your favourite because I wasn't trying to stalk you, just kept coming back to make my comment show up...

(note to self, read instructions at top of page before appearing a moron to the blogosphere)