Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Big FIERCE hugs to you, dear folk of the internet

We are home and getting back into routines. The boys were so excited to be returning to their respective schools, neither slept much the night before. And what does it say about me that I dressed nicely and put on jewelry to go get my teeth cleaned?! A bit starved for adult interaction, possibly?

It was extremely touching to read your replies to my post about Ryan. (Sorry for the dramatic heading with no follow through! I forgot to delete the post.) It was actually very emotional for me, and since I'm playing this one close to the vest In Real Life, your lovely comments were doubly appreciated. Ryan knows there's something in the air; he is really a smoochy pooch these days. I would wear that child all day - he has the most beautiful, soft skin and he smells devine. So we are spending alot of time snuggling and reading and chatting. And I am not so worried about what will be for Ryan.

But You? You gave me hope and inspiration on my darkest day. And you will never, ever know what that has meant to me.

Thank you.


blackbird said...

Oh I don't worry for a second about what will be for Ryan -
he has the world's strongest advocate working for him, loving him.

My float said...

I agree with Blackbird. You are all the difference to Ryan.

It's amazing how the blog world can come together in such a loving way. You never know when someone "out there" says exactly what you need to hear. You have been so lovely to me throughout all my very small and petty dramas! So my thanks to YOU.

Sarah Louise said...

There ain't no fierce loving like mama loving. We're here for ya, so you can be there for him.