Monday, October 10, 2011
Today was a 20-fling boogy day; those of you who have ever read anything by Flylady may recognize the phrase. I went into the lower level armed with one bag - a TRASH bag. I had to be ruthless; if anything went into recycling or give-away bag, the boys would rifle through it and get the stuff back out. Some fairly new stuff went into that bag. There had been many warnings about taking apart a blongo ball ladder set up. The pipes were all over the house and lately they had been used as makeshift weapons during a play date. The entire set up, including balls, is now in the trash. Ditto for old hot cars tracks, nerf toys that just get banged about, old super soakers and water guns. The downstairs looked neater than it's looked in years after I filled a bag.
I swear the legos may be next. They are all over the house. Then I think of the $$$$$ invested in them and think "probably will not get tossed".
Fall is when my thoughts turn to deep cleaning. We are considering removing all carpet on stairs, halls and living room and replacing with hardwood flooring. I bet the cost would not be that much more than new, high-quality carpeting.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Our oldest son trotted off to a sleep-away camp today - 2 nights and 3 days. It's something all 5th graders in our school district attend. The house is really strangely quiet and empty. Ryan is missing his brother, and the dog is worried. I finally remembered the video camera so caught Parker's exit via bus with 90 of his peers, but dollars to donuts the scenes will be shot wonky - I do not have a very good attention span.
The nights are getting colder and the days are getting shorter. I love this time of year. Halloween approaching, thinking about travel for the holidays, lots of good things and tasty eats on the horizon.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
We are looking forward to having a guest guinea pig in the house for a few days. This is truly an answer to my prayers; Parker desperately wants a guinea pig but suffers allergies. And I don't really want another being to nurture; you know how it is, the child says they will take care of the pet but don't so it usually falls to the mother. Parker and Ryan are also joining a lego robotics team. That should be great fun for them. We are a little overscheduled for now, but we'll figure it out...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I Love Fall.
Fall is when thoughts of cosy sweaters (that hide my bulk), hot cocoa with plenty of whipped cream (that add to my bulk) and trips to Williams Sonoma to get enameled-coated pots (talk about Bulky!) start to creep into my head.
I do believe a trip to Costco to get the big tubs of fall mums in our school colors (purple/yellow/white) are in order. Or maybe brilliant deep red. Hmmmmmm.
Coming up are tales of RVing and UTVing in Colorado and Wyoming.
Packing lists for said RVing and UTVing.
That's all I got for today.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Hello again.
Today I kicked facebook to the curb. It took all morning to delete photos and links out of my account. And the thing is not dead yet and may never be. Insidious describes it best.
True to the last post many moons ago, we have been using the Toy Hauler, truck, Polaris RZR and other toys a lot. It has been heaven for us a family. I can state for a fact that going out in the RV is a lot of work for the parents. Apparently, we have no learning curve with packing as we forget something IMPORTANT every time. This time, it was comfort food items like barbeque sauce, Cholula and maple syrup. Other times it has been -- pillows. Or blankets. Underwear for various family members.
More to follow.
Back to scrubbing fb clean.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
YO! It's been a year since I've blogged!
Well, nearly a year. But who's counting?
Influenza b has us in its grip, which is why I suddenly have 'time' to post. I cannot catch a full breath so can't get anything done. Convenient, no?
Facebook has taken the place of blogs. It's true. I check in daily to read The Pioneer Woman because she has a basset hound. Sad but true. Some days I like my dog better than my children. Also sad but true. But not very often.
Big News - we bought a toy hauler/RV thingy! Photos to follow. In fact, this blog may morph into a White Trash on Wheels site! Join us as we tour the country, leaving behind disbelieving passersby, flashbulb-blinded wildlife but NO trash--hey, we are enlightened folk!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! More to come, I think. Well I know, but I mean HERE.
Here we are at Christmas
Influenza b has us in its grip, which is why I suddenly have 'time' to post. I cannot catch a full breath so can't get anything done. Convenient, no?
Facebook has taken the place of blogs. It's true. I check in daily to read The Pioneer Woman because she has a basset hound. Sad but true. Some days I like my dog better than my children. Also sad but true. But not very often.
Big News - we bought a toy hauler/RV thingy! Photos to follow. In fact, this blog may morph into a White Trash on Wheels site! Join us as we tour the country, leaving behind disbelieving passersby, flashbulb-blinded wildlife but NO trash--hey, we are enlightened folk!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! More to come, I think. Well I know, but I mean HERE.
Here we are at Christmas
Friday, February 19, 2010
Shopping for boys' clothing is No Fun.
These boys of ours have gotten suddenly picky! Who knew 8 and 9 years olds cared about their clothing? Besides comfort, of course; suddenly I'm hearing "That's awful!" and "Only a DINK would wear that!" and this gem, said with a sneer "Yeah, right - maybe when I was FIVE, Mom!"
Bright colors? NOT allowed any more.
Stripes? AM I DAFT?! "Those look like pj's for gosh sake!"
The hated stripes:

And - horrors of all horrors - I caught Parker trying to shimmy down his pants waistband so that his undies were hanging out on top like a 15 year old skater!
Then I heard him comment to his brother: "You undo those buttons and make the waist big. That way they come down and rest right above The Johnson. It's cool!"
Ryan's reply? "That looks stupid and what is Johnson?"
"Your WEINER, YOU IDIOT! Don't you learn anything in 2nd grade any more?!"
The sneaky britches, elastic now sewn at near-waist size.

I have gone back to supervising clothing selection in the mornings.
Ryan's Closet- still some red but going beige/navy

Parker's Closet - Only bright is orange oldies *sigh*
Bright colors? NOT allowed any more.
Stripes? AM I DAFT?! "Those look like pj's for gosh sake!"
The hated stripes:
And - horrors of all horrors - I caught Parker trying to shimmy down his pants waistband so that his undies were hanging out on top like a 15 year old skater!
Then I heard him comment to his brother: "You undo those buttons and make the waist big. That way they come down and rest right above The Johnson. It's cool!"
Ryan's reply? "That looks stupid and what is Johnson?"
"Your WEINER, YOU IDIOT! Don't you learn anything in 2nd grade any more?!"
The sneaky britches, elastic now sewn at near-waist size.
I have gone back to supervising clothing selection in the mornings.
Ryan's Closet- still some red but going beige/navy
Parker's Closet - Only bright is orange oldies *sigh*
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